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“Medido gives me back my freedom and independence."

Automatic medicine dispenser Medido

Medido has >15 years of experience on the Dutch market

We have >280 partnerships with healthcare organizations

>15.000 cliënts benefit from our services

Medido is an automatic medication dispenser that allows clients to follow up medication moments easily, safely, and timely, with the press of a button. Enhancing the client's independence.

Our services unburden care staff and home care organisations from A to Z. This leaves you time to offer personalised care. Medido is part of Evondos Group.

The first weeks

With one push of a button, Medido is ready for use. The medicine dispenser supports the client in the correct use of medication. The reminder signal alerts the client to the medication moment. The client doesn't react to this? Then Medido will send a message to the home care organisation.


online helpdesk
Let us help you

Our team is ready every day to answer your questions. Do you need help with deploying Medido? Or do you need advice on how to assist the client? We have the right solution for every problem. You can also find various manuals which will help you with the deployment of Medido.

Applying for Medido

Do you take several medicines a day and do you need remote medication assistance? Or are you a care provider and would like to request the automatic medicine dispenser for one of your clients? Read everything about applying for a Medido here.

applications medido

our story medido
Our story

Entrepreneur Thijs van Nuenen noticed that his grandmother had difficulty taking her medication. Out of frustration, she would often throw the medicines away. Thijs came up with a solution: the automatic medicine dispenser.

Medido costs & reimbursements

Since 2012, Medido can be fully reimbursed by health insurers. Apply for the automatic medicine dispenser free of charge.

Questions? Get in touch with us

Would you like to know more about the Medido service? We would be delighted to meet you in person to tell you more about our E-health solution.

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